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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

wateva the fuck it is

Was thinking why people love to post every thing they do in life(or even if they don't do it) on FB??.. some possibilities would be as follows...
They never got to know that no one gives a fuck about them and whatever shit they do in life
They THINK that everyone wants to knows what they do in life(yes... GET a fucking Life first!!)
They just want people to think that they are COOOOLLL!!
They think that the world revolves around them
n wat not...
this is where business comes into picture. this is where FB, orkut n other numerous social networking sites. Now why would neone would like to know wat an "amazing nite" u had with ur fellow mates. u seriously need to reconsider before u spam other people's walls with ur STUPID status updates. Its just a way to degrade ur status which you never had.

P.S- i hope u take this very seriously n stop SPAMMING my FB wall with ur nonsensical updates!!