Slide show

Saturday, February 11, 2012


We ask "Why me?" when we HAVE to accept something unwanted and "Why Not me?" when someone doesn't accept us..

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

wateva the fuck it is

Was thinking why people love to post every thing they do in life(or even if they don't do it) on FB??.. some possibilities would be as follows...
They never got to know that no one gives a fuck about them and whatever shit they do in life
They THINK that everyone wants to knows what they do in life(yes... GET a fucking Life first!!)
They just want people to think that they are COOOOLLL!!
They think that the world revolves around them
n wat not...
this is where business comes into picture. this is where FB, orkut n other numerous social networking sites. Now why would neone would like to know wat an "amazing nite" u had with ur fellow mates. u seriously need to reconsider before u spam other people's walls with ur STUPID status updates. Its just a way to degrade ur status which you never had.

P.S- i hope u take this very seriously n stop SPAMMING my FB wall with ur nonsensical updates!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

being in goa..

I've left my job to pursue an MBA course in my home state of Goa. I still(as of today) can't see how Iam able to fulfill my dreams of being at home. Most of the times, I'm in college leaving hardly any time to visit home.Still surviving on canteen food and running away from unwanted people n tasks. But the most pissing off thing is when people call me just to ask what are the rates prevailing in Goa for Buses, bikes, and hotels.And even after giving the most almost to near correct rates, they still don't believe me.
I'm not freaking GUIDE or a PIMP!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

When you don't have an answer...

Did u get my gift??..

Did you complete your task??

we often come across questions to which we do not have answers. Sometimes its because its a negative response which we do not want to convey and some times its because we really don't have damn answer.

But ofcourse there are people who still answer even when they know its not the answer the other person wants. Some people keep numb when they do have an answer. why can't one just give an answer and shut or just shut up when one doesn't have any answer.....

Complex world of questions and answers...

Friday, August 13, 2010

Emotional business

Everyone gets carried away by emotions or emotions gets everyone carried away.. Whatever that means, emotions can be used to make money too. e.g. Valentine's Day: paper which hardly has any value gets so much importance(n costly too) cause of some emotional words on it. Every person is emotional and tries to link a sad /heroic/extra ordinary event with oneself. This is where smart business people strike. They know the weakest point. In India, the TV serials are making a load shit of money from such fuckall serials. But the point where they make a difference is that, every serial will have one instance where an individual can link him/her self to that instance(no matter how remote it is). This keeps the suspense running and BINGO.. a few millions fooled YET again...

It is not that emotions always pull u down, without your notice. They sometimes bury you underground while you are conscious. But wtf!! Everyone likes to fall on their knees before emotions. It’s some divine kind of satisfaction which no one can explain or even understand..

Now enough of this emotion crap; am off to some Assignments :(... But if u want to do some good ethical business, make sure u don't take advantage of EMOTIONS :)

Friday, March 19, 2010

The piston which cost me more than 3k

Another month and I was broke again. This time the reason being my bike repairs. With all oil leaked out and piston walls damaged, I had no option but to replace the entire piston unit. The over all cost came to slightly over 3k. Mechanic Said.. "Whatever happens , do not ride the bike over 40 Km/hr for the next 15 days". At first, it appeared to be an easy task, but when I started riding the bike with a constant watch over the speedometer, this seemed to be the most difficult task. World appears to have stopped at that speed. Everything runs in slow motion like those movies of early 70s'.Going to office is like a mini trip lasting forever.The worst thing is, there are still people much slower.At that speed you become so frustrated specially when you realise the destination is far far away. Those whom I overtook everyday while on the way to office, thought they were travelling at supersonic speeds when they raced me behind. And I on the other hand, with the bill of the repairs still in my pockets just watched them go with one eye and another eye over the speedometer.