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Friday, March 19, 2010

The piston which cost me more than 3k

Another month and I was broke again. This time the reason being my bike repairs. With all oil leaked out and piston walls damaged, I had no option but to replace the entire piston unit. The over all cost came to slightly over 3k. Mechanic Said.. "Whatever happens , do not ride the bike over 40 Km/hr for the next 15 days". At first, it appeared to be an easy task, but when I started riding the bike with a constant watch over the speedometer, this seemed to be the most difficult task. World appears to have stopped at that speed. Everything runs in slow motion like those movies of early 70s'.Going to office is like a mini trip lasting forever.The worst thing is, there are still people much slower.At that speed you become so frustrated specially when you realise the destination is far far away. Those whom I overtook everyday while on the way to office, thought they were travelling at supersonic speeds when they raced me behind. And I on the other hand, with the bill of the repairs still in my pockets just watched them go with one eye and another eye over the speedometer.

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